Wellness Services

The Wellness Report

Budget friendly and effective.
wellness analysis and monthly wellness program services

What is the Wellness Report?

If 1:1 weekly guidance doesn’t fit your schedule and budget, but you still want some insight on how to optimize your life, the Wellness Report is for you. What you receive:

  • A comprehensive assessment

  • An individualized protocol

  • A whole foods list, grocery list, and recommended supplement list

*Please note: If you are under the direct care of a medical doctor for a medical condition requiring nutritional intervention, we cannot work together.

Comprehensive Wellness Analysis

Get a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.
wellness analysis and monthly wellness program services

What is a Comprehensive Wellness Analysis?

This service offering is best fit for those who want weekly guidance and support. This analysis is bio-individual focused. We will review your health history, food and mood journal, lifestyle along, products you use, and exposure to possible toxins. The comprehensive analysis will help you identify imbalances, deficiencies, and what is hindering you from feeling and looking your best. Each comprehensive wellness analysis includes 1:1 weekly guidance for 4-6 weeks along with an individualized protocol.

Here is what you will receive by committing to a Comprehensive Analysis:

  • An Individualized Protocol including a Whole Foods List & Supplement List

  • Client Recommendations for Lifestyle & Stress Support

  • Weekly 1:1 check-in & support for (4 total)

  • One Digestive Supplement

*Please note: If you are under the direct care of a medical doctor for a medical condition requiring nutritional intervention, we cannot work together.

*All sessions can be done in-person or via phone/video-conferencing.

Monthly Wellness Program

Stick to the plan and see amazing results.

What is the Monthly Wellness Program?

  • Reassessment (following completion of a Comprehensive Analysis)

  • Weekly 1:1 check-in & support via phone/Zoom/Facetime (30 min.) (4 total)

  • Updated Protocol if needed – including a Whole Foods List & Supplement List

  • Recommendations for Lifestyle & Stress Support

*Please note: If you are under the direct care of a medical doctor for a medical condition requiring nutritional intervention, we cannot work together.

*All sessions can be done in-person or via phone/video-conferencing.

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